营业: do business预算: budget; 1991业务: vocational work; professiona ...收支预算: budget for revenues and expe ...活动: move about; exercise经费: funds; outlay业务预算, 活动经费预算, 营业收支预算: operating budget财务收支预算: financial operating budget营业收支预算: operating budget非营业性收支预算: budget delle entrate e delle uscite non operative经费预算: acost estimatesaa; appropriation budget收支预算: the budget for revenues and expenditure营业预算: business budget; operating budget事业经费预算: budget of undertaking expenditures追加经费预算: supplementary budget for expenditures营业外收支预算过程: non trade expenditure budget财政收支预算: the estimates家庭收支预算: family budget水量收支预算: water budget现金收支预算: cash receipt and disbursement budget; cash receipts and disbursements budget政府收支预算: estimates of the revenue and expenditure of the government制定收支预算: make/work out budget周年收支预算: annual estimates of revenue and expenditure营业预算,业务预算,成本与收益预算: budget dei costi e dei recavi收支概算, 收支预算草案: estimated expenditures and revenue